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C S S   T u t o r i a l s

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Here are some basic CSS tutorials, brought to you from different sources. These explain how use the cascading style sheets attributes. A very comprehensive explanation about each of the cascading style sheet's elements, and how to use them.

Introdution to CSS - An interesting article that will explain where the CSS came from.

CSS 1 - Properties. A huge page with types of values. Explains how to use each tag, Spec. chapter, percentage values, Inherited or not, and what each tag applies to.

W3 school's CSS tutorials . you will learn how to use CSS to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once.

WDG CSS - Properties, references, structure, rules and tutorials.

Echo CSS - CSS tutorials and attributes

Microsoft's introduction to CSS.. list of articles that are available for style sheets.

CSS Pointers - A complete overview of style sheet with examples, articles, markups and experiments.

CSS Boxes - A how-to for CSS layout. This is a how-to for dealing with the misinterpretations of our current browsers. If you're new to CSS, this is a better place to start.

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