The History of Laurel Wreath

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E t h i c a l   P l e d g e

I, Liza Kliko, the owner of the "Lorelei Awards program", declare on behalf of myself to stick with the ethical pledge as follows:

All the applicants websites will be reviewed strictly objectively, and based on my own criteria, regardless race, nation, religion, age, location and gender. I will refrain from criticism unless specifically requested by an applicant, and in such instances, will remain positive in an effort to promote higher quality of Internet websites.

I agree to review all the submitted websites within 4 weeks from the application date, and give my objectively constructive critique. All the given criticism will be of a positive nature and not meant to discourage the applicant, but the opposite - to pinpoint at the webmasters mistakes and potentially improve the quality of his / her website.

I agree to evaluate websites under the criteria, which was in place at the time of any and / or all applications. If changes are made to criteria after applications is received, the submitted site will be evaluated using the criteria that was in effect when applicants initially submitted the sites.

I agree to assist the applicant, in case he / she has questions regarding my criteria prior to application.

I will, under no circumstances, accept favours of any sort in exchange for my award.

It is not now, and never will be a mandatory to sign my guest book in order to win my award. Singing the guestbook is strictly volunteer and has no effect whatsoever on my evaluation results.

Submitted on July 16, 2005

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