Approved at Habitat: United Nations Conference 31 May to 11 June 1976
A.1 A national settlement policy A.2 Human settlements and development A.3 Content of national human settlement policy A.4 More equitable distribution A.5 Settlement development strategies: A.6 Allocation of resources A.7 Constant review
B.1 Settlement planning in national context B.2 Indigenous planning models B.3 Availability of resources B.4 Scope of national settlement planning B.5 Regional planning for rural areas B.6 Regional planning for metropolitan areas B.7 Scope of local planning B.8 Improving existing settlements B.9 Urban expansion B.10 New settlements B.11 Individual rural settlements B.12 Neighbourhood planning B.13 Temporary settlements B.14 Planning for disasters B.15 Settlement concerns of mobile groups B.16 Planning processes C. Shelter, infrastructure and services
C.1 Comprehensive approach to shelter, infrastructure and services C.2 Shelter, infrastructure and services as tools of development C.3 Standards for shelter, infrastructure and services C.4 Designs and technologies for shelter, infrastructure and services C.5 Energy C.6 Long-term cost of shelter, infrastructure and services C.7 National construction industry C.8 Construction by the informal sector C.9 National housing policies C.10 Aided self-help C.11 Infrastructure policy C.12 Water supply and waste disposal C.13 Waste management and prevention of pollution C.14 Transportation and communication C.15 Social services C.16 Services for rural areas C.17 Reorganization of spontaneous urban settlements C.18 Recreation
D.1 Land resource management D.2 Control of land use changes D.3 Recapturing plus value D.4 Public ownership D.5 Patterns of ownerships D.6 Increase in usable land D.7 Information needs
E.1 Role of public participation E.2 Participation in the planning process E.3 Two-way flow E.4 Wide involvement E.5 New forms of participation E.6 Mobilizing resources F. Institutions and management
F.1 Settlement institutions F.2 Co-ordination of physical and economic planning institutions F.3 Institutional change F.4 The role of special institutions F.5 Institutional incentives to participation F.6 Management of settlements F.7 Human resources F.8 Financial arrangements F.9 Reaching the people F.10 Settlement laws and regulations