Global October

What Sustainable Development Really Means For You

a free e-book - 64 pages
by Stephen Blackheath, July 2012


Sustainable Development is not an environmental movement. It's a political and economic policy masquerading as an environmental movement. And it has everything to do with an unprecedented expansion and centralization of global power.

I wrote this book for New Zealanders because I am worried that environmentalists are accepting Sustainable Development uncritically as a solution to our problems, when it is anything but.


To obtain the truth, you have to negotiate a minefield of disinformation. The reason for this is that it is very important to the powers-that-be to control the information people receive. So it's not surprising that they put a lot of effort into promoting the idea that the mainstream is the only reliable source of truth. This, of course, is folly, because they have every reason to lie. So we have no option but to navigate this minefield. Sadly there is no shortcut to the truth.

I tried to strike a balance between research quality and conservation of my time, and I did not always get this right:

It turns out I was wrong to use the Holly Greig case as an example of a high-level paedophile ring. You can read more about that here. The Jimmy Savile case is a fertile area for this kind of investigation, because it is pretty clear that he was "protected" in his activities.

I'll correct this in a revision of the book, and try to progressively improve the book overall. I especially want to improve the whole police state chapter (where I mentioned Holly Greig). To most people, the emerging police state is a new and shocking subject, but to me it's old news and easily provable, so that's where I spent the least time. I would have avoided it altogether if I could have, but it was essential to the argument of the book.

Local copies of footnotes

These are local copies of the pages and documents linked to in the footnotes, so you can read them here if they should disappear from their original locations.

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